Individuals affected by Crohn's or colitis sometimes need to either pay out-of-pocket for medication, or purchase their own private insurance coverage. For individuals with IBD this process can be complicated and difficult. It is important to be strategic when trying to obtain insurance coverage as going about it the wrong way may cost you more in premiums or leave you uninsured for a period of time.

Federal and provincial governments provide support to Canadians in the form of tax credits, savings plans, health or drug benefit plans and financial assistance programs. ​You will need to investigate the criteria, and in some cases, such as the Disability Tax Credit, you will need to apply in order to qualify for the tax credit. You may also require support from your medical practitioner in order to qualify for these benefits.

Crohn’s and Colitis Canada staff review government program offerings every year, and update our information as required. This information is up-to-date as of August 2022 and program details, availability, and links to access more information may have changed. Please contact us if you encounter problems with links to information.

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